HON’s Wiki # Cisco Catalyst Switches (IOS/IOS XE)

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I keep most of my Cisco notes elsewhere, sorry.

Initial Configuration

An example of a full configuration for Catalyst 3750G.

  1. Connect using serial.
  2. Don’t enter initial configuration (it’s useless).
  3. Enter privileged exec mode: enable
  4. Enter configuration mode: conf t
  5. Set the hostname and domain name:
    1. hostname <hostname>
    2. ip domain-name <domain> (the part after the hostname)
  6. Set the time zone (for Norway) and time:
    1. Time zone: clock timezone UTC 1 0 (Norway)
    2. Automatic summer time: clock summer-time CEST recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00 (Norway)
    3. Set the time (exec mode): clock set 10:50:00 Oct 26 2006 (example)
    4. Show the current time (exec mode): show clock
  7. Disable unused features/services:
    1. no service config
    2. no service pad
    3. no service password-encryption
    4. vtp mode off
    5. no cdp run
    6. no ip source-route
    7. no ip domain-lookup
    8. no ip http server
    9. no ip http secure-server
  8. Setup console:
    1. Enter console config: line con 0
    2. Enable synchronous logging: logging synchronous
  9. Setup logging:
    1. Change buffer size and max level: logging buffered 16384 warnings
    2. Log important messages to console: logging console critical
  10. Setup user login:
    1. Enable new model AAA: aaa new-model
    2. Set the enable secret (e.g. to “secret”): enable algorithm-type scrypt secret <secret>
    3. Add a user: username <username> privilege 15 algorithm-type scrypt secret <password>
    4. Set local login as default: aaa authentication login default local
    5. Enable console local login:
      1. line con 0
      2. login authentication default
  11. Configure SSH:
    1. Generate SSH server cert: crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
    2. Set version: ip ssh version 2
    3. Set VTY lines to use SSH:
      1. Enter line config: line vty 0 15
      2. Set to use SSH: transport input ssh
      3. Set the timeout: exec-timeout <minutes> <seconds> (e.g. 15 minutes)
  12. (Optional) Add default native vlan and black hole VLAN:
    1. Never use the default native VLAN.
    2. Use the black hole VLAN as the native VLAN for trunks without an untagged VLAN, as it can’t be simply disabled on some switches.
    3. Setup default native VLAN: int vlan 1, desc default-native, shut
    4. Setup black-hole native VLAN: vlan 2, name black-hole, shut, int vlan 2, desc black-hole, shut
  13. Configure VLANs and VLAN interfaces:
    1. Enter VLAN config: vlan <VID>
    2. Set name: name <name>
    3. (Optional) Shut down: shutdown
    4. Enter VLAN interface config: interface vlan<vid>
    5. Set description: description <description>
    6. (Optional) Shut down: shutdown
  14. Configure LAGs (LACP):
    1. Set load balancing method (globally): port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip
    2. Enter LAG config: interface port-channel <id>
    3. Set description: description <description>
    4. Add interfaces (int config): channel-group <id> mode active
  15. Configure ports:
    1. If using LAG:
      1. Connect it: channel-group <id> mode active
      2. Configure the LAG, not the interface range.
    2. Add access port:
      1. switchport access vlan <VID>
      2. switchport mode access
      3. Disable DTP: switchport nonegotiate
      4. spanning-tree portfast
      5. spanning-tree bpduguard enable (if not enabled globally)
      6. Setup other security features (see section below.)
    3. Add trunk port:
      1. switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q (the default on 2960G and cannot be set manually)
      2. switchport trunk native vlan <vid>
      3. switchport trunk allowed vlan <vid>[,<vid>]*
      4. switchport mode trunk
      5. Disable DTP: switchport nonegotiate
      6. Enable root guard if facing a lower-tier switch: spanning-tree guard root
    4. Disable unused ports: shutdown
  16. Configure spanning tree (rapid-pvst):
    1. Mode: spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
    2. spanning-tree extend system-id
    3. Configure VLANs:
      1. spanning-tree vlan <vid-list>
      2. spanning-tree vlan <vid-list> priority <priority>
  17. Set management IP address and default gateway:
    1. Enter the chosen management VLAN.
    2. Set a management IP address: ip address <address> <subnet-mask>
    3. Set the default gateway (global config): ip default-gateway <address>
  18. (Optional) Configure NTP client:
    1. ntp server <address>
    2. Show status:
      1. sh ntp assoc
      2. sh ntp status
  19. Configure access port security features:
    1. Storm control:
      1. Enter the interface config.
      2. storm-control broadcast level bps 3m (3Mbps broadcast)
      3. storm-control multicast level bps 3m (3Mbps multicast)
      4. By default it will only filter excess packets.
    2. DHCP snooping:
      1. DHCP snooping keeps a database DHCP leases. It can provide certain DHCP protection features, like rate limiting. It is used by some other security features.
      2. ip dhcp snooping
      3. ip dhcp snooping vlan <vid-list> (for user VLANs)
      4. ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address (applies to DHCP packets)
      5. Set trusted interfaces (if config): ip dhcp snooping trust
      6. Limit DHCP packets (if config): ip dhcp snooping limit rate 25 (25/s)
      7. Verify that it’s enabled: sh ip dhcp snooping
    3. Port security:
      1. Port security limites the amount of MAC addresses that may be used by a single port.
      2. TL;DR, it validates MAC-to-port bindings.
      3. Enter the interface config.
      4. switch port-sec
      5. switch port-sec max 1 (1 MAC address)
      6. switch port-sec violation restrict (don’t shut down port)
      7. switch port-sec aging type inactivity
      8. switch port-sec aging time 1 (1 minute)
    4. IP source guard (IPSG) (IPv4):
      1. IPSG verifies that packets from a port match the IP addresses and optionally MAC adresses in the DHCP snooping DB.
      2. TL;DR, it validates IP-to-port bindings.
      3. Enter interface config.
      4. ip verify source
      5. An extra argument port-security can be specified which specified that MAC addresses should also be checked. If not specified, it only checks IP addresses. It requires that the server supports option 82.
    5. Dynamic ARP inspection (DAI) (IPv4):
      1. DAI uses the DHCP snooping DB and is similar to IPSG, but only applies to ARP packets.
      2. TL;DR, it validates IP-to-MAC bindings.
      3. ip arp inspection vlan <vid-list>
      4. Enter the interface config.
      5. On trusted interfaces: ip arp inspection trust
      6. Verify configuration: sh ip arp inspection
    6. TODO: DHCPv6 snooping and other IPv6 security mechanisms.
  20. Configure remote syslog delivery:
    1. logging host <address>
    2. logging facility syslog
  21. Configure SNMP daemon:
    1. snmp-server community public RO
    2. TODO
  22. Configure SNMP traps:
    1. TODO
  23. Save the config: copy run start
  24. (Optional) Copy the config to a TFTP server: copy start tftp://<host>/<path>

General Configuration


Spanning Tree

IPv4 First-Hop Security

TODO: DHCP snooping, MAC checking etc.

IPv6 First-Hop Security


VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP)


Virtual Switching System (VSS) (aka StackWise Virtual)


Reset the Configuration

  1. Show files: sh flash:
  2. Delete the config files:
     delete flash:config.text
     delete flash:private-config.text
     delete flash:vlan.dat
  3. Delete any .backup and .renamed files too.
  4. Reload: reload
    • Not required if the “mode” button was used to reset the device.

Without CLI Access

Hold the “mode” button for 30 seconds or until it says in the console that it’s restarting and clearing the configuration.


Ports and VLANs

Port Lights

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