HON’s Wiki # Cisco Routers (IOS/IOS XE)

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I keep most of my Cisco notes elsewhere, sorry.

Initial Configuration

An example of a full configuration for ASR 920 (IOS XE 16.9).

  1. Connect using serial.
  2. Don’t enter initial configuration (it’s useless).
  3. Enter privileged exec mode: enable
  4. Enter configuration mode: conf t
  5. Disable zero touch provisioning (ZTP): ztp disable
  6. Disable unused features/services:
    1. no service config
    2. no service pad
    3. no service password-encryption
    4. no cdp run
    5. no ip source-route
    6. no ipv6 source-route
    7. no ip domain-lookup (optional)
    8. no ip http server
    9. no ip http secure-server
  7. Set the hostname and domain name:
    1. hostname <hostname>
    2. ip domain-name <domain> (the part after the hostname)
  8. Set the time zone (for Norway) and time:
    1. Time zone: clock timezone UTC 1 0 (Norway)
    2. Automatic summer time: clock summer-time CEST recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00 (Norway)
    3. Set the time (exec mode): clock set 10:50:00 Oct 26 2006 (example)
    4. Show the current time (exec mode): show clock
  9. Setup console:
    1. Enter console config: line con 0
    2. Enable synchronous logging: logging synchronous
  10. Setup logging:
    1. Change buffer size and max level: logging buffered 16384 warnings
    2. Log important messages to console: logging console critical
  11. Setup user login:
    1. Enable new model AAA: aaa new-model
    2. Set the enable secret (e.g. to “secret”): enable algorithm-type scrypt secret <secret>
      • While this seems pointless, it’s required to enter priv exec mode from VTY.
    3. Add a user: username <username> privilege 15 algorithm-type scrypt secret <password>
    4. Set local login as default: aaa authentication login default local
    5. Enable console local login:
      1. line con 0
      2. login authentication default
  12. Configure SSH:
    1. Set hostname and domain name (see above).
    2. Generate SSH server cert: crypto key generate rsa modulus <2048|4096>
    3. Set version: ip ssh version 2
    4. Set VTY lines to use SSH:
      1. Enter line config: line vty 0 15
      2. Set to use SSH: transport input ssh
      3. Set the timeout: exec-timeout <minutes> <seconds> (e.g. 60 minutes)
      4. Enter priv exec mode after login: privilege level 15
  13. Configure DNS: ip name-server <addr1> <addr2> [...]
  14. Enable IPv6 forwarding: ipv6 unicast-routing
  15. Enable Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF):
    1. (Note) This may be enabled by default and the commands below to enable it may not work.
    2. Enable for IPv4: ip cef
    3. Enable for IPv6: ipv6 cef
    4. Show status: sh cef state (should show “enabled/running” for both IPv4 and IPv6)
  16. (Optional) Add black hole route for the site prefixes:
    1. (Note) To avoid leakage of local traffic without a route.
    2. IPv4 prefix: ip route <address> <mask> Null 0
    3. IPv6 prefix: ipv6 route <prefix> Null 0
  17. (Optional) Configure management interface:
    1. (Note) The management interface is out-of-band by being contained in the special management interface VRF “Mgmt-intf”.
    2. Enter the mgmt interface config: interface GigabitEthernet 0 (example)
    3. Set an IPv4 and IPv6 address: See “configure interface”.
    4. Set a default IPv4 route: ip route vrf Mgmt-intf <gateway>
    5. Set a default IPv6 route: ip route vrf Mgmt-intf ::/0 <gateway>
    6. Set other interface stuff: See “configure interface”.
  18. Configure interface:
    1. Set description: desc <desc>
    2. (Optional) Set IPv4 address: ip address <address> <mask>
    3. (Optional) Set IPv6 address: ipv6 address <address>/<prefix-length>
    4. (Optional) Disable sending IPv6 RAs: ipv6 nd ra suppress all
    5. Enable strict uRPF for IPv4 (downlinks only): ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx
    6. Enable strict uRPF for IPv6 (downlinks only): ipv6 verify unicast source reachable-via rx
    7. VLAN subinterfaces: See separate section.
    8. IPv6 router advertisements: See separate section.
  19. Setup default routes:
    1. Set a default IPv4 route: ip route <gateway>
    2. Set a default IPv6 route: ip route ::/0 <gateway>
  20. Enable LLDP: lldp run
  21. Add an ACL to protect management services:
    1. Create IPv4 ACL:
      1. Create and enter it: ip access-list standard <name-v4>
      2. Add a permitted prefix: permit <address> <wildcard-mask>
    2. Create IPv6 ACL:
      1. Create and enter it: ipv6 access-list <name-v6>
      2. Add a permitted prefix: permit <src-prefix> <dst-prefix>
    3. Apply it to VTY lines:
      1. IPv4 non-VRF: access-class <name-v4> in
      2. IPv4 VRF: access-class <name-v4> in vrfname Mgmt-intf
      3. IPv6 non-VRF: ipv6 access-class <name-v6> in
      4. IPv6 VRF: ipv6 access-class <name-v6> in vrfname Mgmt-intf
  22. (Optional) Configure NTP client:
    1. ntp server <address>
    2. Show status:
      1. sh ntp assoc
      2. sh ntp status
  23. (Optional) Configure remote syslog delivery:
    1. logging host <address>
    2. logging facility syslog
  24. (Optional) Configure SNMP daemon:
    1. With IPv4 and IPv6 ACL: snmp-server community public ro ipv6 <acl-name-v6> <acl-name-v4>
  25. (Optional) Configure SNMP traps:
    1. TODO
  26. Save the config: copy run start or write mem
  27. (Optional) Copy the config to a TFTP server: copy start tftp://<host>/<path>

General Configuration

VLAN Subinterfaces (IOS XE)

IPv6 Router Advertisements

Bogon Filtering

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