HON’s Wiki # Raspberry Pi

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OS: Raspbian Raspberry Pi OS (latest)

Hardware models: 1B, 3B


Preparing the SD Card

  1. Download Raspbian Raspberry Pi OS: Operating system images (Raspberry Pi)
    • If you don’t need a desktop, use “Raspberry Pi OS Lite”.
  2. Burn it to the SD card.
    • Make sure the SD card is RasPi-compatible: SD Cards (Raspberry Pi)
    • Linux: dd if=<img-file> of=<sd-dev> bs=4M conv=fdatasync status=progress
    • Windows: Use Win32DiskImager.
    • Or use the official Raspberry Pi Imager.
  3. Mount the SD card in the RasPi and power it on.

Basic Setup (with Desktop Environment)

  1. Follow the configuration wizard.
    • Set a password for the “pi” user.
  2. Turn off Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi if not used.
  3. In “Raspberry Pi Configuration”:
    1. (Optional) Disable auto login.
    2. Disable all unused interfaces.
    3. Fix the keyboard layout.

Basic Setup (without Desktop Environment)

  1. Default credentials: Username pi, password raspberry.
  2. Configure through the menu: sudo raspi-config
    • If a black border is present, disable overscan (TODO enable or disable underscan?).
    • Set the installed locale and default locale to en_US.UTF-8.
    • Fix the keyboard layout.
    • Enable SSHD.
  3. Upgrade the system and install stuff:
    • Upgrade: apt update && apt upgrade
    • Install basics: apt install vim htop screen
  4. Add personal admin user:
    1. Create user: adduser <user>
    2. Add SSH key (from a GitHub user in this case):
      1. cd /home/<user>
      2. mkdir .ssh
      3. curl https://github.com/<user>.keys >> .ssh/authorized_keys
      4. chown -R <user>:<user> .ssh
      5. chmod 700 .ssh and chmod 600 .ssh/*
    3. Make user sudoer: usermod -aG sudo <user>
    4. Let user see system logs: usermod -aG systemd-journal <user>
    5. Try logging into the user locally and through SSH.
  5. Delete default user: deluser pi
  6. Configure SSHD:
    • PermitRootLogin no
    • PasswordAuthentication no
    • #AcceptEnv LANG LC_* (comment it)
    • Restart sshd and try to open a new session.
  7. Remove the MOTD: > /etc/motd
  8. Setup firewall:
    1. TODO



A Spotify Connect community client.

See dtcooper/raspotify (GitHub).

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