HON’s Wiki # AWS

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Networking (VPC etc.)

Security Groups

Add IPv6 Support

  1. Add an IPv6 prefix to the VPC:
    1. Find the VPC.
    2. Enter the “edit CIDRs” config page.
    3. Add an Amazon-managed IPv6 prefix.
  2. Add a default gateway for the new prefix:
    1. Enter the “routing tables” page and find the table associated with the VPC.
    2. Click “edit routes”.
    3. Add a new route with destination ::/0 and the same internet gateway as for the IPv4 default route as the target.
  3. Create a subnet from the IPv6 prefix:
    1. Enter the “subnets” page.
    2. (Optional) Delete the existing IPv4-only subnets (not possible if any resources are using them).
    3. Create a new dual-stack subnet for the VPC, with no name (optional), the same availability zone as the VM/resource to use it with. Select some IPv4 subnet (e.g. the first /24) and IPv6 subnet (e.g. add 00 to the templated subnet) from the VPC prefixes.




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